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Russian Post War Light Trucks

...2 new 1/35 sets from Star Decals

Russian Post War Light Trucks, 2 new 1/35 sets from Star Decals.

35-C 1320 GAZ-69, Soviet 4x4 Light Truck, Cold War Era

A lovely variety of subjects and markings, and all of these are in overall Russian Green colour.

A - GAZ-69M, Soviet MP Unit
B - GAZ-69M, Polish 6 Pomeranian Air Assault Div late 60s
C - GAZ-69M, Czecholovakian Army (CSLA), 22nd Special Purpose Airborne Brigade
D - GAZ-69A, Bulgarian Liberation Day Parade 1974
E - GAZ-69M, Soviet unit in Czechoslovakia during Op Danube, 1968
F - GAZ-69M, East Germany (DDR), NVA Army.
G - GAZ-69M, East Germany (DDR), 40, Fallschirmjagerbatallion 'Willi Sanger'
H - GAZ-69M, Czechoslovakian Army (CSLA)
J - GAZ-69A, Romanian Peoples Army parade, August 23 1964
K - GAZ-69A, Soviet VDV (Airborne) unit
L - GAZ-69A, Soviet VDV (Airborne) unit Parade in 1968

35-C 13201 UAZ 469, Balkan Peacekeepers pt.14

Another Cold War era light Russian truck, the UAZ 469. so useful to get some variety with the Trumpeter kit perhaps. Just one in an all-white UN colour & markings, all the rest in overall Soviet green.

A - UAZ 469, UN Protective Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia, possibly Russian.
B - UAZ 469, IFOR in Bosnia, Russian VDV (Airborne) unit
C - UAZ 469, KFOR in Kosovo, Czech unit.
D - UAZ 469, KFOR in Kosovo, Slovak unit
E - UAZ 469, SFOR in Bosnia, Ukrainian VDV unit.

Thanks to Star Decals for our samples.


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