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British Shermans in North Africa

...2 new 1/72 sets from Star Decals

British Shermans in North Africa, 2 new 1/72 sets from Star Decals

A couple of new sets from Star Decals which will please the many small scale Sherman fans among us. I should add of course that Star usually do these sets in 1/35 as well.

72 - A1110 - British 9th Armoured Brigade, Sherman Mk II and Mk III

Shermans in Africa, Palestine and Syria.

A - Sherman Mk III - HQ 9th Armoured Brigade, Palestine or Syria - Desert Pink with an Olive Drab disruptive pattern.
B - Sherman Mk II - 3rd The King's Own Hussars, Libya, in November 1942 - Overall Light Stone.
C - Sherman Mk II - Warwickshire Yeomanry, Libya, in December 1942 - Overall Light Stone with some Olive Drab disruptive patches.
D - Sherman Mk III - 3rd The King's Own Hussars, Syria 1943 - Desert Pink with an Olive Drab or Blue Black disruptive pattern.
E - Sherman Mk III - Warwickshire Yeomanry, Palestine 1942 - Desert Pink with an Olive Drab or Blue Black disruptive pattern.
F - Sherman Mk III - 3rd The King's Own Hussars, Syria in 1943 - Desert Pink with a Blue Black disruptive pattern.
G - Sherman Mk II - Royal Wlitshire Yeomanry, Alepp, Syria in April 1942 - Desert Pink with an Olive Drab disruptive pattern.

72 - A1111 - British Sherman Tanks in North Africa. Sherman Mk III

Early Production M4 in Egypt, 1942

A - Sherman Mk III - 3 RTR or Staffordshire Yeomanry, nr Nufilia, 26 Dec 1943 - in Light Stone or Desert Pink with a Blue Black disruptive scheme
B - Sherman Mk III - 9th Queen's Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, 1st Armoured Div, Late 1942 - Desert Pink with an Olive Drab disruptive pattern.
C - Sherman Mk III - 47 RTR, 24th Armoured Brigade, Egypt in October 1942 - Overall Light Stone.
D - Sherman Mk III - HQ 24th Armoured Brigade, Egypt in October 1942 - Overall Light Stone.
E - Sherman Mk III - 41 RTR 24th Armoured Brigade, Egypt in October 1942 - Light Stone with a Blue Black disruptive pattern

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