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2 Sets of 1/48 decals for StuG III variants

...from Star Decals

Star Decals - Two new 1/48 Stug III Sets

Two recent 1/48 sets from Star Decals, for a very popular subject, the StuG III. One is for 5 exampes of the early Ausf B, armed with the short 75mm gun. The second has 6 later variants, including one for a Sturmhaubitze 42, armed with a 105mm gun, and the rest all with long barrelled 75mm.

48-B 1017 - Stug III B, Eastern Front, pt.2

A - Stug III Ausf B - StuG Abt 182, Cholm, Russia, in 1942 - Overall Panzer Grey
B - Stug III Ausf B - StuG Abt 197, Russia 1941/42 - Overall Panzer Grey
C - Stug III Ausf B - StuG Abt 243, Russia 1941/42 - Overall Panzer Grey
D - Stug III Ausf B - StuG Abt 190, Greece or Russia 1941 - Overall Panzer Grey
E - Stug III Ausf B - Possible StuG Abt 244, Russia, in 1941/42 - Overall Panzer Grey

48-B 1018 - Stug III, Italian Front

A - StuG III Ausf G, Pz Abt 103, 3rd Pz Gren Div, Rome, November 1943 - 3-colour camouflage, Dunkelgelb/Olivegrun/Rotbrun
B - StuG III Ausf G, Pz Rgt 2, 16 Pz Div, San Salvo, Rome, 1943 - overall Dunkelgelb
C - StuG III Ausf G, Pz Abt 115, Sicily in 1943 - with side-skirts and overall Dunkelgelb
D - StuH 42 Ausf G, Pz Rgt Hermann Goering, Italian mainland - overall Dunkelgelb
E - StuG III Ausf F/8, Pz Rgt Hermann Goering, Sicily 1943 - 3-colour camouflage, Dunkelgelb/Olivegrun/Rotbrun
F - StuG III Ausf G, Pz Rgt 2, 16 Pz Div - overall Dunkelgelb

Thanks to Star Decals for the samples.


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