Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Wellington's Infantry
...British Foot Regiments 1800-1815, from Pen & Sword

Title: Wellington's Infantry
Author: Gabriele Esposito
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-52678-667-8
British Foot Regiments 1800-1815. A lovely new hardback from Pen & Sword that covers the British Infantry units from the era of Waterloo and the Napoleonic Wars but doesn't just confine itself to Europe. Obviously there have been plenty of books on the topic of Napoleonic era uniforms, but I still found this to be a really interesting one.
The book does well in explaining how even in this relatively brief period, uniforms and equipment evolved as a result of experience. The detail is spread over 12 chapters, and these cover The Foot Guards: The Line Infantry: The Scottish Infantry: The Light Infantry: Royal Veteran Battalions & Fencible Regiments, and then goes on to tackle The British Troops in Canada: The British Troops in the West Indies: The British Troops in Africa & Australia: The British Troops in India, plus Foreign Troops in British Service, The Kings German Legion and finally, Uniforms & Equipment. The text provides some lovely clear descriptions and the plentiful illustrations, most of which are colour artwork, add even more to help provide a really useful guide to the subject. There is also a handy list of the many regiments, each with a thumbnail of their basic history. The other list which I think is especially useful for modellers/wargame figure painters comes on the final chapter, and the regiments are all listed with the colour of their Facings.
A nicely presented book and one which I think many painters of wargame figurines will thoroughly enjoy, as well as those who enjoy re-enactments. Useful detail, plenty of colour references and even better for tackling not only the uniforms of the units in Europe at the time of Wellington, but which also remembers that the British Army of the time still had commitments in plenty of other countries around the world.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for our review copy.