Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
TankCraft 26 - Jagdpanzer IV
...German Army & SS Tank Destroyers Western Front 1944-45, from Pen & Sword

Title: Jagdpanzer IV, German Army and Waffen-SS, Western Front 1944-45
Author: Dennis Oliver
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-52675-167-5
Tank Craft 26 from Pen & Sword, another book very much for modellers plus the background history to go with it. Another in the TankCraft series from author Dennis Oliver.
As you might expect, it follows the format of the rest of the series, in a 64-page soft-cover book. It starts with an Introduction and some background on the Western Front during 1944/45 along with a map. This is followed by 13 pages with a potted history of each of the various Panzer divisions and Jagdpanzer Brigades and Abteilungs which were equipped with the Jagdpanzer IV variants. These also include a good selection of archive photos which have yet more details in their captions. This leads into 10 more pages filled with very neat full colour profiles, along with extra details on badges etc. In the middle of the book we get to the Model Showcase, with 5 expertly finished models from different modellers, and featuring x4 1/35 models along with one of the old 1/76 Matchbox kit. This leads naturally into another 8-pages listing the variety of models and accessories which are available for the different Jagdpanzer IV variants that you can find on the market. Next it is back to the real thing, with details of the various Heavy Jagdpanzer units, accompanied by more archive images and unit organisation charts. This leaves the final pages to explain the detailed Technical Details and Modifications that will help you identify/model the variations of the Jagdpanzer IV.
All in all another fine addition to the series and Dennis makes a very fine job of it once again.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for our review copy.