Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Panzerwrecks 24
...German Armour 1944-45, from Panzerwrecks
Title: Panzerwrecks 24
Author: Lee Archer
Publisher: Panzerwrecks
ISBN: 978-1-90803-224-9
German Armour 1944-45. Hard to believe we have reached as many as 24 books now in the Panzerwrecks series from Lee Archer. A 128-page soft-cover book, in a landscape format with 141 large format archive photos, plus 7 pages of superb colour artwork by Filipe Rodna.
There are 4 main features in the book, interspersed with additional elements that are equally interesting, but on a mix of other subjects. The 4 features cover Concreted Jagdpanzer IV of 9th SS where concrete is used to up-armour these tank hunters, Panther Joyride, as US troops take a ride in a surrendered Panther G in the closing stages of the war, Jagdpanther 212 Inside & Out provides some superb detail along with Pzkpfw I in !945. This last section has pictures I found especially interesting, where a number of these early panzers were not only still in use for driver training, but fitting with charcoal burning systems that to my eye look like something designed by Heath Robinson. Plenty of inspiration for modellers looking for something different. As well as these 4 specific features there is lots more, covering Tiger I and II, Jagdtiger, Stugs, Hetzers and more. A few feature vehicles that have been seen in earlier Panzerwrecks book, but now with additional photos that have been discovered since they were first published. A number of the wrecks have been photographed well after the war in Europe was over, with local civilians using them to pose against. It highlights that these wrecks littered the countryside across Europe for several years after the war until they were finally cleared. There are 7 images which have been duplicated with super colour artwork by Filipe Rodna, and each of these are presented on opposing pages.
This is a marvellous new addition to the Panzerwrecks series, presenting another fantastic collection of pictures showing the state of many wrecks at the end of the war, and including identification of the units they were used by, and fixing the place where they were photographed. This is tied in to a good number of the wrecks being accompanied by a QR code which you can scan and view a map showing just there they were. Author Lee is able to continue to find new content for his books, and the Panzerwrecks series is deservedly popular.
Thanks to Panzerwrecks for our review copy.