Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Panzerwrecks 23 Italy 3
...the latest in the series from Panzerwrecks

Title: Panzerwrecks 23 Italy 3
Author: Lee Archer
Publisher: Panzerwrecks
ISBN: 978-1-908032-22-5
We have waited a while to see the 23rd book in the Panzerwrecks series from Lee Archer, though as he explains inside, the success of the series and other projects are taking up more of his time. To make up for that though, the number of pages has been increased to 128 so the chance to equally increase the number of images we get to see. Once again it returns to the war in Italy, the third in the series to do so.
The book is divided into 6 sections, each one with multiple pages of large format photos which show particular scenes from multiple angles/positions. It starts with Tigers in Italy, showing a variety of Tiger Is and in various states of repair. Then some more on a scene we have seen before, but with additional images, the Cassino Sturmgeschutze. A number of Stugs seen in the rubble and surrounding area of Cassino. Then 'Preserving the Panzers' which has a series of pictures showing the recovery of various German/Italian AFVs to a collection point and moving some on from there to Trieste, where some remain as museum exhibits to this day. Then 'Polish War Booty', with some photos from a Polish war photographer and some lovely references of both Stug III and Nashorns. Next some more wrecks, including Tiger Is on the Via Prenestina in Rome before rounding things off with a series of pictures of a mix of different vehicel wrecks, pushed to the side at Esperia.
Mixed in with the photos are some maps plus 9 pages or more marvellous artwork by Felipe Rodna and 30 pages with clever QR codes which will show you Google Street Views of where the wrecks were photographed. Overall another excellent addition to this deservedly popular series of books, with high quality images and informative captioning. No question that I would recommend this one to modellers and WW2 historians alike.
Thanks to Panzerwrecks for our review copy.