Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
A Photographic History of Amphibious Warfare 1939-1945 from Pen & Sword

Title: A Photographic History of Amphibious Warfare 1939-1945
Author: Simon & Jonathan Forty
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-39908-265-5
A new book from the 2 sons of well known military author George Forty, their latest book provides a collection of archive images to help tell the development of Amphibious operations during WW2. A 240-page hard-cover book.
A large part of the book, up to page 197, is split into 4 main chapters. These cover Raids, Landings, Evacuations and What Might Have Been. The rest of it is devoted to 6 Appendices, which give more detail on Landing Craft, Resupply, Waterproofing, Medical, Intelligence and Beaches: Control and Construction. Each chapter has explanatory text along with a fantastic collection of appropriate archive images. There were many operations where you will recognise their code names, such as Jubilee (Dieppe), Husky (Sicily), Overlord (Normandy), Plunder (Rhine Crossing) but I think many readers will be surprised to see so may other named operations where their code names will not be familiar. Not only British and American operations, but German and Japanese as well. The 4th chapter, What Might Have Been, considers a number of operations that were planned but never undertaken, such as for the German invasions of Britain and Malta. It covers the tactics/strategy, special equipment and planning all required for significant military landings. I think many will like it for the details of all the different types of Landing Craft which are featured in Appendix 1.
I found this a really informative book and the collection of archive photos is fabulous. Plenty in here to interest historians and modellers alike.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for the review copy.